Eye Health Central

Glasses 101

A Quick Look At Reading Glasses

A Quick Look At Reading Glasses

20 May 2024

Reading glasses, also known as magnifying glasses, are a vital tool for those who experience presbyopia, a common condition that affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects. Read more.

Anti-Glare Glasses

Anti-Glare Glasses

20 May 2024

Today, there is more technology involved in our daily life than ever before, and this is only going to increase with time… meaning that we all spend large proportions of our day looking at screens and bright lights that can cause eye strain.

Glasses for Small Faces | Tips and Guidelines

Glasses for Small Faces | Tips and Guidelines

20 May 2024

When you have a small face, frame size of glasses is of extreme importance. Opt for frames that are proportionate to your facial dimensions. Learn more.

A Guide to Carbon Fibre Glasses

A Guide to Carbon Fibre Glasses

20 May 2024

Carbon fibre also has an insane amount of elasticity, meaning it can be flexed or bent without deforming or breaking, making it perfect for glasses frames. Learn more.